Hail! Well, we are JORMUNDGAND from Sweden. We have been lurking in the underground since 2004. The first demo "Satanic Attack" was recorded between 2008/2009, and at that time Hellbutcher from the mighty NIFELHEIM helped us a lot! He was with us in the studio and he even put some vocals to the song "Satanic Attack". He painted the cover for the demo and t-shirts, took all our promo pictures with his camera and more. In 2010 we recorded our single "The Eleven Path". I (Tobbe F) started my own record label "Burning Eye Productions" and the plan was to release the single on a 7" vinyl through Burning... But the dream hasn´t been transformed to reality yet because of different reasons.... In 2012 we decided to record our first full length-album. It is now finally finished and ready to be unleashed upon the surface of the world, to spread the poison of the mighty black dragon of the abysmal ocean of chaos!
2.How you got introduced into metal, and did you played in any bands before Jormundgand?
It came quite natural to me, I guess. I was around 6 or 7 years old and I heard Guns'n'Roses on the radio! It was "Paradise City" and I felt like totally blown away by the music! Then on the very same radio show they played "Poison" with Alice Cooper, and then I was trapped forever! Very soon after that I started to listen to more hard music like Metallica and Iron Maiden. When I was at the age of 14 I started my first band. We named it "Confused" and we played some kind of Swedish straight edge hardcore! Haha, the music really sucked! hahaha! We played live one time and splited-up shortly after that! When I was around 16 years old, I came in contact with Black Metal for the first time... And I can still remember the feeling of coming home, that I have finally found my musical way in life!
3.You are working on your first LP. Can you tell us all about it?(stuff such as recording process and so on). Did you signed with a label to promote it, or it is self-released?

4.Are there any guests on the album? ( Hellbutcher or other ones?)
I had plans to invite Hellbutcher to the studio again, and to ask Oscar from RAM to put some heavy metal song to one of the tracks, but, it never felt like the right thing to do! So, no guests on this album!
5.You shared the stage with Necrocurse on 5th of April in Gonthenburg. How was Your concert?
Ah! It was fucking great! We feel more hunger now than ever before! We did a gig in Trollhättan 4 weeks after the Gothenburg gig, and it was fucking awsome as well! Hail Satan!
6.What is the situation regarding your new shows? have you decided to tour Europe, or it will be just in Sweden (or Scandinavia)?
We will play as much as we can. I feel that we have a great potential to be a killer band on stage!
7.How are the things going with Burning Eye Productions?
Well, I am a little bit unsure about the future of Burning Eye Productions, at least with the Jormundgand thing. But I will have the label active in one or another way. Maybe releasing other bands' material and organizing concerts and tours. Time will tell!
8.What is JORMUNDGAND's current line-up and if the members of the band take part in other projects?
It's me Tobias Fongelius on bestial vomit and guitar! And Ingo on drums. Erik K on guitar. He is active in a few other bands as well, like Vornth, Autokrat and Xul. Tobbe P has been involved in everything we have done so far, all the recordings and our two first live shows, but not anymore. He wants to give his main band "RAM" all his focus, I believe. So it's a fucking shit situation right now to be honest. But I understand and respect his decision. All hails to the mighty masters of "Heavy Metal Tyranny" - RAM!
9.Your top 10 all-time favourite albums are...?
Shit! Haha, what a question! Ok.... Starting from 1.
- Storm of the Light´s Bane
- The Somberlain
- Reinkaos
- Servants of Darkness
- Lawless Darkness
- Blood Fire Death
- Altars of Madness
- De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
- Morbid Visions
- Again Shall Be
Well, I will probably change my mind tomorrow, but what the fuck: all this albums are fucking killer!
10.Do you know any bands from Hungary, Ukraine, Romania and Moldova?
It's funny that you're asking me that, because when I was down to "Halmstad" in Sweden last month to bang my head to Nifelheim, Vulcano and The Stone, it was something unexpected that happened on the stage! As you maybe know, Tamás from the Hungarian band Tormentor is now a member in Nifelheim. And in the middle of the show, Hellbutcher went of from the stage and Attila Csihar came up instead and they started to play the intro to the "Anno Domini" record, and then they played "Tormentor" with Attila on vox! That was fucking legendary! But besides Tormentor, Domhring, Castrum and Chamos my knowledge about your bands is very thin I'm afraid.
11.What bands can you recommend us from Sweden (and also from the rest of the world)?
Well, Vornth(swedish speed metal), Xul (swedish black metal), Necrocurse (Swedish Death Metal), Mordant (Swedish Black Metal), Trial (Swedish Heavy Metal), In Solitude ( Swedish Heavy Metal). And of course, RAM (Swedish Heavy Metal).
12.Now regarding your local cuisine: what foods, drinks, cigars, tobaccoes can you recommend?
Hmm, Sweden is very famous for our great KebabPizza! So if you come to Sweden, just order Kebab! We have something called "Systembolaget" in Sweden. And that's the only store where you can buy your alcohol. It's forbidden to sell alcohol in foodshops etc. Quite shitty if you ask me, but it have one big +. Every "Systembolaget" store have like 100 different beers, and maybe 100 different whiskeys and like 1000 different wines! So we have a lot of different brands to pick from! Personally i like scotch whiskey and irish dark stoutbeer!
13. I was very pleased to find out that Jon Nödtveidt (Rest and Reign in Chaos) is your hero as well as mine. From your letters, I've got to know that you didn't know Jon personally, but what do you think of Him as a person and musician?
Because i have a lot of friends that knew Jon personally, I know that he was a great person and musician! He was like a never ending source of musical energy and inspiration and the guitar riffs just sprayed out of his fingers into his guitar! He is, and will always remain, my greatest inspiration both musically and spiritually! Hail the bloodline of fire!
Hail Jon Nödtveidt!
Might his legacy never be forgotten.
14.Tack så mycket, Tobias and Jormundgand! Hail to Northern Dragon of Chaos! Your message to readers of Sadistik Witchfukk..?
Varsågod min vän! I hope to meet you in the mighty Carpathians soon!
Hail Satan!
You can listen to the music here: http://www.myspace.com/jormundgand666
And the link to Burning Eye Productions: http://www.myspace.com/burningeyeproductions
Interview taken by Georgius and Necrotrooper
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